About Us
Squire Canyon Community Services District was formed in 1984 under enabling California Government Code 61000 et seq. While a CSD may provide a number of municipal functions, the only function provided by SCCSD at this time is roads pursuant to Government Code Section 61100 (L).
The mission of the District is to improve and maintain existing roads and appurtenances including drainage, etc. funded by annual parcel based special taxes including both Squire Canyon and Indian Knob Roads based on an easement 15 feet from centerline. Any additional functions must be approved by both the Local Agency Formation Commission and registered voters within the District service area.
The District is governed by an elected Board of Directors who, subject to scheduling conflicts, convene regular public meetings at 7:30 pm on a quarterly basis on the first Thursday in the months of January, April, July & October at the Avila Beach Community Center, 191 San Miguel Street in Avila Beach, California.